Friday, August 29, 2008
I can't breathe.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
It's freakin' HOT man!!
So, I competed in my second triathlon of 2008 yesterday. I did fairly well, but we don't have any pictures to show for it, which is okay. Luckily, the course was mostly shaded because it was a really hot day. I improved over my previous time and was able to push myself a bit more in each event.
Usually, we can escape the heat in our downstairs room, but yesterday even that didn't work. This isn't so bad for me, but Amelia (being 6 months pregnant) is really miserable. As if the heat wasn't enough, she has also been experiencing excruiciating back pain most of this week, which peaked yesterday. Apparently, this kid is determined to be an extreme pain in the butt to his/her mother even before reaching the teenage years. I'm not going to become too concerned unless he/she starts talking back from the womb:).
I am happy to say that the back pain is relatively less today than yesterday, but that is only in relative terms. Oh, and Amelia is feeling better too. I am somewhat looking forward to the rain in this week's weather forecast. I know our lawn is too.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Exhausting Ourselves

As you can see, the only outdoor gear that fits me at this point is Tony's raingear! It worked wonderfully, and allowed me the fun of sliding down the snowbank on my butt and not getting wet. Definitely a better idea than trying to walk down!

Proof I was big ol' preggers!

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Health Report
But, the good news is that the baby is super healthy, kicking and squirming up a storm. Still head-down, still a strong heartbeat of 140, and my belly is measuring 29 instead of 26 weeks. Oh, but I am a large girl with a large baby. And, I am starting to hit what I understand to be the 3rd-trimester fatigue, which makes me cranky, which in turn makes me extra sensitive to those awesome comments about how large I am. I am just repeating the mantra, "my baby is healthy, I will lose the weight." Sometime in the next week I do my glucose screen and blood workup, but so far all my vitals appear great and the doctor is quite enthusiastic about my progress.
I just thought you all might want to know that things are progressing swimmingly, and there are a mere 3 months (3 months!) and change left to go until we welcome a new baby to the world! Hooray!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Photos Galore!
This was taken at a WSCPA event where Tony had a water balloon fight with other accountants. Who says they're no fun? Note that the only indication of my pregnant status is the giant boobs-that-will-not-be-contained-by-conventional-methods.
So, we are now at the 24/25 week mark. It totally depends, you see, on which dates you go by: original due date or the two-day-earlier due date established by our very first ultrasound. Although my doc said that our child was measuring in the 93rd percentile based on the 19-week ultrasound, he didn't say anything about changing dates. Then again, at my last appointment, my belly was measuring a week ahead. Sigh, so confusing. The baby will come when he or she wants to, I suppose. I am hoping for the beginning of November. All that to prep you for what are the most amazing belly shots yet:

Last night we had the great pleasure to witness our friend Kelly Balzer get married. She was so pretty, and we had a great time at the wedding. Now having met her family, we understand where she gets her boisterous personality!