Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bye Bye Baby

I leave tomorrow for a fun-filled week dodging hurricanes in the Caribbean.  I actually had someone say to me the other day “Well, as my mom the former travel agent says, there are times you don’t go on a Caribbean cruise.”  How rude, right?!  I mean, it’s clear that I have already purchased the tickets and this is my vacation… why rub it in that I had the ill luck to have my cruise fall during the single two-week period all year that hurricanes have presented?  Kick me when I’m down, why don’t you?


Well, that bitch can suck it because I plan to have an amazing time.  I’m going to stock up on Dramamine, soak up any sun we see, and have fun with girlfriends, some of whom I haven’t seen for years.


But, oh, I am going to miss this guy:


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snot-nose and everything.


Charles, though he is well and truly entrenched in the terrible-twos syndrome of knowing exactly what he wants but not being able to communicate it effectively, is a delight to be around.  His tantrums don’t phase me as he is the cutest crying, kicking, screaming child I have ever seen.  Everyday he’s learning more, growing more, doing more, and I am a huge part of that.  It feels so cool.


Last weekend was an amazing success (you know, besides the fact that two wonderful people got married), I just have to tell you about it.  We picked up Charles at noon from daycare and he slept in the car on the way to Enumclaw – as parents, we have learned to time our drives around the sleep schedule.  We met the Landons as the hotel, and Charles rediscovered his favorite cousin (sorry Claire, you’re just not male enough), Jack.  His adoration of Jack was a problem during the wedding, but I’ll touch on that later.


We met up with Loris and the rest of the family at Bill & Meghann’s place, then went to McDonald’s for a Happy Meal.  Why do kids love these so much?  I don’t think there’s another meal Charles loves more or will eat with more reliability than a McNugget Happy Meal with apples and milk.  I can’t complain, though, because the benefits of having such a handy “he’ll always eat this” meal are multiple.  Also, I like fries and Diet Dr Pepper, so bonus for me. 


We arrived at the rehearsal at Genesis Farm & Gardens just in time to hand Charles off to the care of the other ring bearer, Lucas, and watch as everyone ran through the ceremony twice.  Apparently, Lucas loved having the job of taking care of Charles.  You see, Lucas is 5, and didn’t want to be there (little boys aren’t nearly as enamored with the idea of being in a wedding as little girls).  But all of a sudden, he had a job!  And he was going to do it and do it well!  I think I had to tell him later that it was okay to let go of Charles hand, now, please.


The great thing about the farm is that there was lots to see.  Charles got to see geese and a swan and deer and horses and moos (cows).  He, and all the other children, loved it!


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Look at that, Daddy!


Later, we went to the rehearsal dinner, a barbeque on Lake Tapps.  Other than an explosive diaper (caused by a toddler who doesn’t care if he’s dirty, he’ll just sit down right here and squish, thankyouverymuch), we had a wonderful, exhausting time keeping Charles from jumping into the water, helping him feed the birds, and playing with the other kids.


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The day of the wedding was busy and fun, and we arrived for photos at 3:30pm with a tired boy who had to have his nap cut short.  Then, he refused a snack.  And he fought against wearing a tux.  And he threw a tantrum every time I tried to pry him from my arms to take photos with the bridal party.  You can see where this is going, right?  I was afraid.  Very afraid.  And then Grandma Loris (our personal savior this trip) brought a McDonald’s McNugget Happy Meal.  And all was well with the world.


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Charles walked down that aisle with his had firmly in Lucas’s and I choked up.  I don’t think I was this nervous for my wedding!  He then sat on the wall and proceeded to shout “Jack!  Jack!  Jack!” during the ceremony, so Tony took him to see the deer.


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Even here, Lucas held tight.


After the ceremony, Charles ran and ran and ran, ate some spaghetti, blew bubbles, and ran some more.  He and Lucas got a special swing moment with the groom as Bill tried to escape having more alcohol forced on him.


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The funniest part was the bubble-blowing.  Charles has quite a windup.


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We had such a great time, and it was so wonderful to be a part of Bill & Meghann’s nuptials.  I’m going to miss this little guy so much next week, I can hardly stand it.

1 comment:

Mom and Dad said...

He has the best smile. Those bubbles were a big hit. Have a great time away.