Friday, October 10, 2008

Aaaand, we're off

To the beach, that is. Which probably means that I'll be seeing half of this blog's readership this weekend, hooray!

Had a checkup yesterday, and the doctor said, "Wow. That's a big kid." No kidding. Anyhow, everything is fine with me and the baby and I even got a flu shot this morning. You should, too; there are no shortages of the vaccine this year and then I'll be sure that when you touch my preshus baybee that you won't be infected.

The weather is beautiful but cold, and I am looking forward to a few days of relaxing with friends and family. We started working on the baby room last weekend and I meant to post about that, but then we didn't really get to a point that seems post-worthy. With any luck, I will find a crib that I love and then we will finish the room and you can all see the glorious photos. Glorious photos of beach time to come on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!

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