Monday, November 3, 2008


As you could probably surmise, I have spent my 27 Halloweens in a variety of places and a variety of costumes. This year perhaps wins the "Best Costume Ever" award. Outshining Elvis, a Barrel of Toxic Waste, a Librarian (Tony's request... like you needed to know that), many witches, Madonna, 80's Career Barbie, and more, I give you the grown-up version of what our baby would be like if we actually named him or her Cletus:

Yes, that's me on the left, complete with PBR Tall (that my friend Sheran drank for me) and AC/DC tattoo. As you can see, Tony did not let me go out of the house alone in this getup, but he also refused to go with me. Hmm. I know you can't tell from the photo, but I have enough makeup on to give me a five o'clock shadow and a happy trail up my exposed belly. I had more strangers take photos of me than ever before on Halloween and lots of compliments. Really, it comes down to working with what you've got, and what I've got is a large belly. So, I guess you could say that for Halloween, I was a hick and the baby was a beer gut. Good thing the Boobs of Fury are prominent enough that no one actually mistook me for a dude ;-)

Where did we go dressed like crazies, you might ask? Why, the local theatre for the annual showing of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," of course. And let me assure you, we were tamely dressed compared to some...


K Schimmy said...

Well played, my dear. Well played. The perfect level of irreverence, in my opinion.

Mom and Dad said...

Kelly is so right. Only you could be inventive enough to come up with such a fun and bodacious outfit. I can't imagine why Tony would not be seen with you. Coward or was it too much estrogen in one car? Looks like the four of you are well endowed with attitude and fun. I laughed out loud with no one in the house but me....WOW. This is the Amelia I know and love.Thanks for making my day

Keleigh said...

We're so proud that you went dressed as Keith. I'm tearing up, I am. sniff.