Thursday, June 26, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane

We are going to Baltimore for my cousin Anna's wedding tonight-- a red-eye flight out of Seattle calls our names! We have never been to Baltimore before, and we should be able to spend some significant time exploring the sights and sounds with the Holemans.
So, wish us well on our cross-country trip... I, for one, will be trying my best to sleep on the long flights so I am in great shape to enjoy the sweltering heat of the East Coast. We bid you adieu, rain and wind!
Here is a candid shot of me yesterday at the Chamber Membership Luncheon, chit-chatting with my good friend Shanden. I post it because I really don't have many good pregnant photos... perhaps after this weekend, there will be more.

In other news, as you might have heard, Tony recently graduated from an exhausting, 9-month program called "Leadership Skagit." Now he is a certified leader. I am proud of him for having stuck it out through a program that was difficult (though I think it was designed to be so) and not always rewarding in the traditional sense. He learned a lot, I'm sure, about how frustrating teams can be. He also, along with his team, accomplished a bunch-- there is now a lovely park on Guemes Island for all to enjoy (as well as an annoying song to the tune of Gilligan's Island that will be stuck in our heads for a decade). Congratulations, Tony!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congratulations, Tony! Hey, you're looking pretty good pregnant lady! Have fun in Baltimore!